



Shelley Sunjka





Sep 6, 2024

Sep 6, 2024

Sep 6, 2024

Sep 6, 2024

Journal Ideas for Waffle: Shared Journal App

Journal Ideas for Waffle: Shared Journal App

Journal Ideas for Waffle: Shared Journal App

Journal Ideas for Waffle: Shared Journal App

Journal Ideas for Waffle: Shared Journal App

Journaling is a timeless practice that’s been undertaken by countless thinkers and creative visionaries throughout history. 

In a world that moves fast, finding a moment for reflection can be a game-changer for your mental and emotional well-being. 

Daily journaling gives you the opportunity to pause, reflect, and gain insight into your inner emotional world. The best part? You don't need to be a seasoned writer or a literary enthusiast to reap its benefits. 

The journaling process is for everyone because it's simply about connecting with yourself and capturing thoughts, emotions, and experiences in your own words.

However, the traditional image of journaling - sitting quietly with a paper notebook and pen - doesn't fit everyone's lifestyle or preferences. And, this kind of journaling practice can feel outdated in our modern digital age.

This is where online journal apps step in. 

Imagine capturing your thoughts as they come to you, whether you're wedged between commuters on the train, unwinding in bed after a long day, or grabbing a coffee during a break. 

But what if your journal could be more than just a personal repository? What if it could be a shared space, a digital diary that connects you with others on a similar journey?

Have you ever thought about sharing a journal with a loved one? 

The concept of shared journaling is not new. Throughout history, communities have come together to record events, share insights, and preserve collective wisdom and memories through communal writing.

Why is the Concept of Shared Journaling Gaining Renewed Interest? 

In an era where digital connectivity is at its peak, an ironic trend has emerged - loneliness and social isolation are also reaching unprecedented levels

Despite the multitude of ways we can connect online, these interactions often lack the depth and authenticity needed to build genuine relationships. This disconnection impacts our physical and mental health and has led to what can only be described as a modern loneliness epidemic.

The health risks of social isolation are equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day and the World Health Organization has declared loneliness as a global health concern.

So what can we do? How do we create opportunities for people to connect deeply on a regular basis?

The answer lies in reviving and adapting ancient communal writing practices for our digital era. 

A shared online journaling habit is one such way.

Why Use the Waffle Shared Journal?

The lack of opportunities to feel truly understood by others today is a major cause of loneliness in the modern world. The Waffle Shared Journal aims to be the bridge between social isolation and meaningful connection.

Waffle is an online journal app that gives users the safe space needed to build real, meaningful relationships in a way that modern social media platforms fail to do.

It's a place for genuine exchange, understanding, and support - elements that are often missing in our fast-paced, impersonal online interactions. 

By turning the act of journaling into a shared experience, Waffle provides an opportunity for people to connect on a more meaningful level, helping to combat the isolation that so many feel today.

How Does Waffle Work?

Waffle simplifies the shared journaling experience with an intuitive and user friendly interface. Once you’ve downloaded the app onto your device, setting up your account only takes a few minutes.

You’ll be guided through a user survey where you’ll tailor the app to your needs. Taking the time to do this will ensure that the daily journal prompts are suited to your personal or shared goals.

You’ll choose your journal cover, upload your profile picture and then name your journal. If you’re sharing it with someone, you’ll get a personal code that they can use to find the journal you’ve created once they download the app on their device. Then you’ll set your intention for your journal habit and you’re ready to write your first entry.

If you’re worried about feeling stuck and staring at a blank page, Waffle has you covered - you’ll be shown one journal prompt a day to give you new ideas and inspiration to open up and share things you’ve been holding onto but secretly want your loved ones to understand.

You can use the daily writing prompts given to you or you can just simply write - whatever works best for you. And just because you’re only given one auto-generated idea each day, does not mean you only have to focus on that one thing - journaling ideas are endless and you can write about anything and make multiple entries per day if you choose to.

It’s really that easy to get started with daily journaling on Waffle!

Waffle is completely free to use, but if you upgrade to the PLUS version, you’ll get a bunch of extra premium features including,

  • Leaving comments in response to journal entries

  • Being able to see who has read your journal entry

  • Attaching photos

  • Attaching a video

  • Being able to search through entries

  • PDF Export to print out your journal (we will be launching Waffle Books soon)

  • 80+ premium journal covers

  • Personalized journal prompts tailored to your needs based on your survey answers

We believe so strongly in our mission to provide people with a safe space for meaningful connection, that Waffle PLUS is purposely affordable. Everyone can enjoy the basic journaling experience for free and our premium features are cost effective. You get:

  • 1 Plus journal plan: $74.99/year

  • 2 Plus journals plan: $129.99/year

  • Unlimited Plus journals plan: $199.99/year

Who is Waffle For?


Waffle is a fully inclusive, open-minded space and is designed to accommodate any and every type of personal relationship you can imagine.

Whether you’re looking for a greater sense of self awareness or a deeper understanding of a loved one, Waffle is full of journaling ideas to help. You can explore negative thoughts and past experiences, identify patterns in your life and relationships, and generally improve your overall well being. 

Waffle’s versatility makes it suitable for individuals, couples, families, and groups who are looking for an engaging way to strengthen their bonds and deepen understanding.

Waffle’s Privacy Promise

At Waffle, we know that the nature of journaling is incredibly personal. The things you write down are sometimes the deepest, innermost thoughts, feelings, and desires and we are committed to keeping those safe and secure.

All your data is stored safely in our secure server operated by Google. Unless you request your data to be exported or restored, or if there’s a glitch that requires our developers to investigate (only with your permission), no one else has access to your data except you and whoever is sharing your journal. 

We don't ever sell user data to anybody else either. You can read our full privacy policy here.

Using Waffle for Self Discovery

The self-reflection process is a journey characterized by looking inward, growing and getting to know yourself better. It’s your path to personal growth and development. 

Here’s how you can use the Waffle Journal to kickstart the journey to find your authentic self.

Start a Gratitude Journal

Right now, gratitude journaling is all the rage - and for good reason! 

A gratitude journal is about focusing on the positives and acknowledging the good things in your life. Traditionally, you would simply write down three things you’re grateful for each day, but because Waffle is in your pocket, you can record the most important things in your day as they happen - and doing it this way will result in a far more expansive list of incredible memories to reflect on.

Seeing your blessings pile up this way is incredibly uplifting and it can genuinely shift your perspective on the rough days when you can reflect back on all the joy in your life. One thing you can do to solidify the gratitude habit is to set aside time each week and look back through your diary entries and really focus on every example of good that happened in your life that week - your cup will overfloweth with appreciation and thankfulness. 

There is a wealth of research and anecdotal evidence to support the idea that being intentional about gratitude is an important thing to do for overall health and mental well being.

Writing a Dream Journal

What keeps you up at night? - this might be a reason for bad dreams or weird dreams - a good prompt to uncover anxiety which might fuel the funny dreams.

Ever wake up from a dream that felt significant, but the details started to fade the moment you stepped out of bed? Then all day you carry that strange sense that something happened but you can’t quite put your finger on it. 

Keeping a pen and piece of paper next to your bed is often suggested so that you can write down your dreams in the middle of the night to reflect on in the morning. However, anyone who has tried this will tell you that faffing around with paper in the middle of the night is less than ideal and will create more problems than it solves.

Instead, why not use the Waffle Journal to keep a dream diary. Write down your dreams first thing in the morning or when you wake up from them in the night and start to explore what your subconscious might be telling you. You might be surprised by what you uncover about your desires, emotions, and fears.

Writing Down Goals for Progress Tracking

Whether it’s personal goals, new skills, or even small daily wins, tracking your progress and personal growth by writing it all in a journal is incredibly motivating. 

With Waffle, you can:

  • Track Personal Growth: Note improvements, setbacks, and insights. By writing everything down, you’ll soon see just how far you’ve come.

  • Letters to Your Future Self: Occasionally, leave a note for your future self. It’s powerful to look back and see how your past self has grown and evolved and how situations your younger self thought were insurmountable have been resolved. These kinds of memories give you hope for a brighter future, especially if you’re in the middle of some hard personal struggles.

  • Goals Tracking: Set goals, big or small, and update your progress. Waffle can help keep you accountable and inspired with deeply motivational journaling prompts.

Using Waffle for Your Mental Health 

Journaling isn’t just a way to record your daily activities or thoughts - it's a powerful tool for mental health. Regularly putting your thoughts down on paper (or in this case, a digital page) can help manage anxiety, reduce stress, and cope with depression. Waffle takes this a step further by offering a structured way to use journaling as a form of casual self-therapy. For example, it can be a private place to express emotions you’re trying to process, or a space to explore solutions to problems you’re facing.

Keeping journals documenting your mental health journey is a great way to look back and appreciate how far your personal growth has come - it can be a great source of inspiration for further development.

Savanna uses Waffle to document her mental health progress and says that the app helps to keep her accountable.

Therapists and Counselors Use Journal Writing Between Sessions

Waffle is an important tool that therapists can use to enhance the therapy process and strengthen the therapeutic relationship. 

Therapists can use Waffle to keep communication open between sessions. This makes therapy sessions more efficient and focused, as clients can record events, thoughts, and feelings as they occur, rather than trying to recall them days or weeks later in session.

Using Waffle, therapists can prompt clients to journal about specific topics before a session, which can lead to deeper insights and breakthroughs. And clients feel continuously supported throughout their therapeutic journey.

Chris uses Waffle with his therapist and says it’s been amazing for his growth and transformation.

If you are a licensed therapist or counselor, reach out to Waffle here for a special discount.

Using Waffle With a Family Member or Friend

Social media just doesn’t cut it for keeping in contact with loved ones. Journaling with Waffle is a creative way to connect with family and friends no matter where life has taken each of you. Whether it’s your mom, dad, siblings, or a childhood bestie, Waffle helps you share the day-to-day and the monumental with those who matter most.

One of the most popular ways to use Waffle is to strengthen the mother-daughter bond. Cecilia says that using Waffle has helped her and her mom feel less isolated while helping them to connect on a deeper level. Our journal is such a useful tool to help you navigate the ups and downs of the constantly changing dynamics of the mother/daughter relationship.

It can help you to be a good mother to your daughter when she’s struggling through difficult life transitions, like the teenage years (as Heidi has discovered) - journaling helps you to be there for your daughter every day without being intrusive. And when you make journaling a regular habit, you will have an awesome keepsake to look back on - one that has documented your whole mother-daughter journey.

You don’t have to be a great writer to make the most of Waffle. It’s about sharing the imperfect, the messy, and the real moments of life that make your relationships full of joy. 

The only limit is your creativity. For example, you could start a conversation about your favorite book or talk about what happened in your day, or even share childhood memories. 

Mia says that Waffle has been a great tool to help her stay in touch with her friends now that they’re all busy.

Journaling for Military Families

For military families, staying connected isn't just important - it's essential. The nature of military life means frequent moves, long deployments, and times when staying in touch can be challenging. That's where Waffle is a game-changer, helping to bridge the emotional distance that physical separation can create.

Using Waffle can also help ease the stress of reintegration when a family member returns from deployment. By sharing journal entries, returning service members and their families can express emotions that might be hard to hear face-to-face.

Waffle is dedicated to supporting military families, so reach out to us here for a special subscription discount.

Using Waffle With Your Significant Other

One of the most popular ways to use the Waffle Journal is by journaling with your partner. With specific journal prompts for couples to write about, the hope is to help people build strong emotional understanding in every aspect of their relationship.

Write Ideas Down For Better Communication

Communication is the backbone of any strong relationship. Waffle offers a space where you can write down thoughts and emotions that might be hard to say out loud. It's a safe place to share daily experiences or tackle more sensitive subjects, ensuring that both partners feel heard and understood.

Journaling For Greater Emotional Intimacy 

Sharing a journal encourages openness and vulnerability, allowing you and your partner to reveal your innermost thoughts and feelings. Waffle’s writing prompts will help you build a deeper emotional connection as you gain insights into each other’s desires, fears, and dreams, which might not surface in everyday conversation. 

If you want to know more about emotional intimacy, check out our blog post here. We hope it helps you become closer to your significant other.

The Waffle Journal can also be used to document your relationship memories so you can look back on them together with love and joy. Date night going down memory lane together remembering all the fun, the laughs, the silly things, and even the fights is a great way to build closeness and intimacy with the special person in your life. 

Riley uses Waffle to relive his memories with his girlfriend and says it helps them to remember how happy they are together. 

Writing in a Journal for Greater Sexual Intimacy and Orgasmic Joy

Waffle can also be a great tool to explore your sexual relationship. Couples can use it to write down new ideas for being more adventurous in the bedroom, to reveal desires and fantasies, discuss boundaries, or share intimate thoughts that they may feel shy about bringing up directly. This open line of communication can lead to greater fulfillment, joy, and understanding in your physical relationship.

Journaling Ideas for Long Distance Relationships

Distance can be a significant challenge for couples. Waffle helps bridge that gap by keeping you and your partner connected through daily entries and updates. You can write about simple things that happen in your life day to day or tap into some creativity for more meaningful writing, the idea is to make it a habit so you connect regularly while apart. Beth uses Waffle with her long distance partner to stay more connected and actively be part of each other’s day.

If you’d like some long distance date ideas to keep things fresh and exciting, check out our blog post here.

One of the Better Ideas for Conflict Resolution

Conflict is inevitable in life and relationships, but resolving it in a healthy way is the key to staying happy for longer. Online journals like Waffle provide a platform to articulate grievances that might be difficult to hear in a constructive manner. Writing can be a calming process, especially when you’re mad and journaling allows each person to really think about what they want to say before responding in the heat of the moment and escalating the drama. This habit paves the way for effective problem-solving, personal growth, and reconciliation.

Alisha says she uses it to communicate more effectively with her partner when they are both upset.

Even Divorced or Separated Couples Can Use the Waffle Shared Journal

One of the more unusual journaling ideas is to use Waffle as a way to help you navigate co-parenting after a separation or divorce. The Waffle app offers a platform for co-parents to maintain a structured and positive communication channel for the sake of their children. Using Waffle, you can keep each other updated on important child-related matters without the need for direct interaction, which can sometimes be emotionally charged. 

Churches and Prayer Groups Can Use Waffle for Journaling

Waffle is a powerful platform for enhancing your spiritual life. Engaging with your faith collectively can strengthen bonds within your community and deepen your connection to God. Waffle is a shared space where group members can document their spiritual journeys, share reflections, and support each other’s faith.

Waffle’s Christian journal prompts are designed to deepen your faith by encouraging thoughtful contemplation and discussion. Another idea is to use Waffle journals to start a daily prayer habit - writing down your prayers helps you to keep track of which prayers have been answered and helps you to feel more joy in life as you count your many blessings.

Waffle offers discounted subscription rates for religious organizations so be sure to contact us so that financial limitations don’t hinder spiritual growth.

Waffle Journaling for Teams and Organizations

Modern offices look very different to how they did even just 10 years ago. No longer do you have to be in physical proximity to work effectively. Many top teams are spread out over multiple time zones. 

One downside to this is, of course, social isolation - we no longer can chat to our colleagues on a coffee break or just nip over to their office for a catch up. 

Waffle’s journal prompts for teams and organizations help to bridge this gap. By facilitating regular check-ins and shared experiences, it’s the ideal solution for hybrid or remote teams. Some ideas on how to use it can be to celebrate wins and milestones, discuss work challenges and even share snippets of your daily life so your teammates get to know you better. 

You don’t have to worry if you’re in IT or accounts and not a writer, it’s about the habit of connecting and sharing some fun parts of your life that your team would love to hear about.  

You can even claim a special offer discount by contacting Waffle here.

Using the Waffle Journal for Alternative Intimacy 

The Waffle Journal is a safe and accepting platform that does not discriminate. Our goal is to provide everyone with the means to have deeper emotional connection and better communication. 

All relationships are different and society is becoming more open and inclusive of alternative ways to structure your romantic relationships. Waffle aims to be fully inclusive and provide everyone with a tool for open, honest, and healthy communication - the central pillar to happy relationships (no matter how they are defined).

Polyamory and Ethical Non Monogamy

With journal prompts specifically engineered to help people navigate the complexities of polyamorous or ethically non-monogamous relationships, Waffle provides a shared space where all partners can express their feelings, discuss boundaries, and plan their relationship dynamics in a supportive environment. 

Mariah uses Waffle with her ENM partner and says it’s been like therapy for them and has really improved their communication.

You can even get a special discount here to get you started with complete transparency and open communication in your ENM relationship.

The BDSM Community

For those in the BDSM community, communication is the cornerstone of safety, trust, and mutual respect. Waffle offers a discreet avenue for discussing scenes, negotiations, and writing down aftercare needs. Journaling offers a place where partners can reflect on their experiences, offer feedback, and continuously refine their consent and limits. This can be particularly beneficial for long-term dom/sub dynamics, where growth and change are ongoing and understanding needs and boundaries are crucial.

If you’re curious about BDSM and want to explore this in your relationship, Waffle has specially designed journal prompts to guide your writing to express these desires to your partner. In the beginning writing these ideas down in a journal is significantly less intimidating than voicing them out loud, especially if you’re unsure how your partner will react. 

Members of the BDSM community can claim their special offer here.

Other Ways to Use the Waffle Journal

These are just some of the more common ways that people use the Waffle Journal, however, there is no limit when it comes to exploring your creative journaling ideas. Using our journal prompts to get writing is the main goal because once you get started the joy is addictive.

Here are some more ideas on ways to use the Waffle Journal.

Grief and Loss Journaling

We have extensive decks of prompts to help you process your grief in a healthy way. Writing down your thoughts, feelings, and memories while journaling is one way to deal with everything that comes up in a person when dealing with the loss of a loved one. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, but journaling in Waffle can be a therapeutic outlet, offering you a private space to write about and reflect on your loss, celebrate the life of your loved one, and gradually find your footing in a changed world.

Write Your Health Tracking in Your Journal

Staying on top of your health and fitness goals requires consistent effort and monitoring. The Waffle Journal allows you to track your daily meals, nutrition intake, and physical activities. Whether you're training for a marathon, trying to lose weight, or simply maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can write it all down in Waffle to keep a detailed log of your progress. You can set goals, monitor changes, and reflect on what strategies work best for your body and mind, turning your journal into a powerful ally in your health journey.

This Waffle user who is recovering from an eating disorder was able to go traveling without her family worrying because she used Waffle as a food diary so her family could help encourage her to stay on track with her eating goals even though she was away. 

Create a Travel Journal

For those bitten by the travel bug, Waffle is the perfect place to document your adventures, from breathtaking scenery and thoughtful cultural experiences to unexpected detours and the personal reflections and growth you experience when moving around. You can even share your adventures with friends and family in real time in one place (Waffle) if you so choose. 


You don’t need to be a writer bubbling over with endless creativity to enjoy the benefits of a journaling habit. Waffle is specifically designed to be extremely versatile and adaptable so everyone can benefit, no matter your situation or whether you’re completely new to journaling.

So, all that's left to ask is, have you downloaded the app yet?

Meta Description - Explore interesting and unconventional journal ideas with Waffle! Perfect for self-discovery, deepening connections in any relationship and much more...

Journaling is a timeless practice that’s been undertaken by countless thinkers and creative visionaries throughout history. 

In a world that moves fast, finding a moment for reflection can be a game-changer for your mental and emotional well-being. 

Daily journaling gives you the opportunity to pause, reflect, and gain insight into your inner emotional world. The best part? You don't need to be a seasoned writer or a literary enthusiast to reap its benefits. 

The journaling process is for everyone because it's simply about connecting with yourself and capturing thoughts, emotions, and experiences in your own words.

However, the traditional image of journaling - sitting quietly with a paper notebook and pen - doesn't fit everyone's lifestyle or preferences. And, this kind of journaling practice can feel outdated in our modern digital age.

This is where online journal apps step in. 

Imagine capturing your thoughts as they come to you, whether you're wedged between commuters on the train, unwinding in bed after a long day, or grabbing a coffee during a break. 

But what if your journal could be more than just a personal repository? What if it could be a shared space, a digital diary that connects you with others on a similar journey?

Have you ever thought about sharing a journal with a loved one? 

The concept of shared journaling is not new. Throughout history, communities have come together to record events, share insights, and preserve collective wisdom and memories through communal writing.

Why is the Concept of Shared Journaling Gaining Renewed Interest? 

In an era where digital connectivity is at its peak, an ironic trend has emerged - loneliness and social isolation are also reaching unprecedented levels

Despite the multitude of ways we can connect online, these interactions often lack the depth and authenticity needed to build genuine relationships. This disconnection impacts our physical and mental health and has led to what can only be described as a modern loneliness epidemic.

The health risks of social isolation are equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day and the World Health Organization has declared loneliness as a global health concern.

So what can we do? How do we create opportunities for people to connect deeply on a regular basis?

The answer lies in reviving and adapting ancient communal writing practices for our digital era. 

A shared online journaling habit is one such way.

Why Use the Waffle Shared Journal?

The lack of opportunities to feel truly understood by others today is a major cause of loneliness in the modern world. The Waffle Shared Journal aims to be the bridge between social isolation and meaningful connection.

Waffle is an online journal app that gives users the safe space needed to build real, meaningful relationships in a way that modern social media platforms fail to do.

It's a place for genuine exchange, understanding, and support - elements that are often missing in our fast-paced, impersonal online interactions. 

By turning the act of journaling into a shared experience, Waffle provides an opportunity for people to connect on a more meaningful level, helping to combat the isolation that so many feel today.

How Does Waffle Work?

Waffle simplifies the shared journaling experience with an intuitive and user friendly interface. Once you’ve downloaded the app onto your device, setting up your account only takes a few minutes.

You’ll be guided through a user survey where you’ll tailor the app to your needs. Taking the time to do this will ensure that the daily journal prompts are suited to your personal or shared goals.

You’ll choose your journal cover, upload your profile picture and then name your journal. If you’re sharing it with someone, you’ll get a personal code that they can use to find the journal you’ve created once they download the app on their device. Then you’ll set your intention for your journal habit and you’re ready to write your first entry.

If you’re worried about feeling stuck and staring at a blank page, Waffle has you covered - you’ll be shown one journal prompt a day to give you new ideas and inspiration to open up and share things you’ve been holding onto but secretly want your loved ones to understand.

You can use the daily writing prompts given to you or you can just simply write - whatever works best for you. And just because you’re only given one auto-generated idea each day, does not mean you only have to focus on that one thing - journaling ideas are endless and you can write about anything and make multiple entries per day if you choose to.

It’s really that easy to get started with daily journaling on Waffle!

Waffle is completely free to use, but if you upgrade to the PLUS version, you’ll get a bunch of extra premium features including,

  • Leaving comments in response to journal entries

  • Being able to see who has read your journal entry

  • Attaching photos

  • Attaching a video

  • Being able to search through entries

  • PDF Export to print out your journal (we will be launching Waffle Books soon)

  • 80+ premium journal covers

  • Personalized journal prompts tailored to your needs based on your survey answers

We believe so strongly in our mission to provide people with a safe space for meaningful connection, that Waffle PLUS is purposely affordable. Everyone can enjoy the basic journaling experience for free and our premium features are cost effective. You get:

  • 1 Plus journal plan: $74.99/year

  • 2 Plus journals plan: $129.99/year

  • Unlimited Plus journals plan: $199.99/year

Who is Waffle For?


Waffle is a fully inclusive, open-minded space and is designed to accommodate any and every type of personal relationship you can imagine.

Whether you’re looking for a greater sense of self awareness or a deeper understanding of a loved one, Waffle is full of journaling ideas to help. You can explore negative thoughts and past experiences, identify patterns in your life and relationships, and generally improve your overall well being. 

Waffle’s versatility makes it suitable for individuals, couples, families, and groups who are looking for an engaging way to strengthen their bonds and deepen understanding.

Waffle’s Privacy Promise

At Waffle, we know that the nature of journaling is incredibly personal. The things you write down are sometimes the deepest, innermost thoughts, feelings, and desires and we are committed to keeping those safe and secure.

All your data is stored safely in our secure server operated by Google. Unless you request your data to be exported or restored, or if there’s a glitch that requires our developers to investigate (only with your permission), no one else has access to your data except you and whoever is sharing your journal. 

We don't ever sell user data to anybody else either. You can read our full privacy policy here.

Using Waffle for Self Discovery

The self-reflection process is a journey characterized by looking inward, growing and getting to know yourself better. It’s your path to personal growth and development. 

Here’s how you can use the Waffle Journal to kickstart the journey to find your authentic self.

Start a Gratitude Journal

Right now, gratitude journaling is all the rage - and for good reason! 

A gratitude journal is about focusing on the positives and acknowledging the good things in your life. Traditionally, you would simply write down three things you’re grateful for each day, but because Waffle is in your pocket, you can record the most important things in your day as they happen - and doing it this way will result in a far more expansive list of incredible memories to reflect on.

Seeing your blessings pile up this way is incredibly uplifting and it can genuinely shift your perspective on the rough days when you can reflect back on all the joy in your life. One thing you can do to solidify the gratitude habit is to set aside time each week and look back through your diary entries and really focus on every example of good that happened in your life that week - your cup will overfloweth with appreciation and thankfulness. 

There is a wealth of research and anecdotal evidence to support the idea that being intentional about gratitude is an important thing to do for overall health and mental well being.

Writing a Dream Journal

What keeps you up at night? - this might be a reason for bad dreams or weird dreams - a good prompt to uncover anxiety which might fuel the funny dreams.

Ever wake up from a dream that felt significant, but the details started to fade the moment you stepped out of bed? Then all day you carry that strange sense that something happened but you can’t quite put your finger on it. 

Keeping a pen and piece of paper next to your bed is often suggested so that you can write down your dreams in the middle of the night to reflect on in the morning. However, anyone who has tried this will tell you that faffing around with paper in the middle of the night is less than ideal and will create more problems than it solves.

Instead, why not use the Waffle Journal to keep a dream diary. Write down your dreams first thing in the morning or when you wake up from them in the night and start to explore what your subconscious might be telling you. You might be surprised by what you uncover about your desires, emotions, and fears.

Writing Down Goals for Progress Tracking

Whether it’s personal goals, new skills, or even small daily wins, tracking your progress and personal growth by writing it all in a journal is incredibly motivating. 

With Waffle, you can:

  • Track Personal Growth: Note improvements, setbacks, and insights. By writing everything down, you’ll soon see just how far you’ve come.

  • Letters to Your Future Self: Occasionally, leave a note for your future self. It’s powerful to look back and see how your past self has grown and evolved and how situations your younger self thought were insurmountable have been resolved. These kinds of memories give you hope for a brighter future, especially if you’re in the middle of some hard personal struggles.

  • Goals Tracking: Set goals, big or small, and update your progress. Waffle can help keep you accountable and inspired with deeply motivational journaling prompts.

Using Waffle for Your Mental Health 

Journaling isn’t just a way to record your daily activities or thoughts - it's a powerful tool for mental health. Regularly putting your thoughts down on paper (or in this case, a digital page) can help manage anxiety, reduce stress, and cope with depression. Waffle takes this a step further by offering a structured way to use journaling as a form of casual self-therapy. For example, it can be a private place to express emotions you’re trying to process, or a space to explore solutions to problems you’re facing.

Keeping journals documenting your mental health journey is a great way to look back and appreciate how far your personal growth has come - it can be a great source of inspiration for further development.

Savanna uses Waffle to document her mental health progress and says that the app helps to keep her accountable.

Therapists and Counselors Use Journal Writing Between Sessions

Waffle is an important tool that therapists can use to enhance the therapy process and strengthen the therapeutic relationship. 

Therapists can use Waffle to keep communication open between sessions. This makes therapy sessions more efficient and focused, as clients can record events, thoughts, and feelings as they occur, rather than trying to recall them days or weeks later in session.

Using Waffle, therapists can prompt clients to journal about specific topics before a session, which can lead to deeper insights and breakthroughs. And clients feel continuously supported throughout their therapeutic journey.

Chris uses Waffle with his therapist and says it’s been amazing for his growth and transformation.

If you are a licensed therapist or counselor, reach out to Waffle here for a special discount.

Using Waffle With a Family Member or Friend

Social media just doesn’t cut it for keeping in contact with loved ones. Journaling with Waffle is a creative way to connect with family and friends no matter where life has taken each of you. Whether it’s your mom, dad, siblings, or a childhood bestie, Waffle helps you share the day-to-day and the monumental with those who matter most.

One of the most popular ways to use Waffle is to strengthen the mother-daughter bond. Cecilia says that using Waffle has helped her and her mom feel less isolated while helping them to connect on a deeper level. Our journal is such a useful tool to help you navigate the ups and downs of the constantly changing dynamics of the mother/daughter relationship.

It can help you to be a good mother to your daughter when she’s struggling through difficult life transitions, like the teenage years (as Heidi has discovered) - journaling helps you to be there for your daughter every day without being intrusive. And when you make journaling a regular habit, you will have an awesome keepsake to look back on - one that has documented your whole mother-daughter journey.

You don’t have to be a great writer to make the most of Waffle. It’s about sharing the imperfect, the messy, and the real moments of life that make your relationships full of joy. 

The only limit is your creativity. For example, you could start a conversation about your favorite book or talk about what happened in your day, or even share childhood memories. 

Mia says that Waffle has been a great tool to help her stay in touch with her friends now that they’re all busy.

Journaling for Military Families

For military families, staying connected isn't just important - it's essential. The nature of military life means frequent moves, long deployments, and times when staying in touch can be challenging. That's where Waffle is a game-changer, helping to bridge the emotional distance that physical separation can create.

Using Waffle can also help ease the stress of reintegration when a family member returns from deployment. By sharing journal entries, returning service members and their families can express emotions that might be hard to hear face-to-face.

Waffle is dedicated to supporting military families, so reach out to us here for a special subscription discount.

Using Waffle With Your Significant Other

One of the most popular ways to use the Waffle Journal is by journaling with your partner. With specific journal prompts for couples to write about, the hope is to help people build strong emotional understanding in every aspect of their relationship.

Write Ideas Down For Better Communication

Communication is the backbone of any strong relationship. Waffle offers a space where you can write down thoughts and emotions that might be hard to say out loud. It's a safe place to share daily experiences or tackle more sensitive subjects, ensuring that both partners feel heard and understood.

Journaling For Greater Emotional Intimacy 

Sharing a journal encourages openness and vulnerability, allowing you and your partner to reveal your innermost thoughts and feelings. Waffle’s writing prompts will help you build a deeper emotional connection as you gain insights into each other’s desires, fears, and dreams, which might not surface in everyday conversation. 

If you want to know more about emotional intimacy, check out our blog post here. We hope it helps you become closer to your significant other.

The Waffle Journal can also be used to document your relationship memories so you can look back on them together with love and joy. Date night going down memory lane together remembering all the fun, the laughs, the silly things, and even the fights is a great way to build closeness and intimacy with the special person in your life. 

Riley uses Waffle to relive his memories with his girlfriend and says it helps them to remember how happy they are together. 

Writing in a Journal for Greater Sexual Intimacy and Orgasmic Joy

Waffle can also be a great tool to explore your sexual relationship. Couples can use it to write down new ideas for being more adventurous in the bedroom, to reveal desires and fantasies, discuss boundaries, or share intimate thoughts that they may feel shy about bringing up directly. This open line of communication can lead to greater fulfillment, joy, and understanding in your physical relationship.

Journaling Ideas for Long Distance Relationships

Distance can be a significant challenge for couples. Waffle helps bridge that gap by keeping you and your partner connected through daily entries and updates. You can write about simple things that happen in your life day to day or tap into some creativity for more meaningful writing, the idea is to make it a habit so you connect regularly while apart. Beth uses Waffle with her long distance partner to stay more connected and actively be part of each other’s day.

If you’d like some long distance date ideas to keep things fresh and exciting, check out our blog post here.

One of the Better Ideas for Conflict Resolution

Conflict is inevitable in life and relationships, but resolving it in a healthy way is the key to staying happy for longer. Online journals like Waffle provide a platform to articulate grievances that might be difficult to hear in a constructive manner. Writing can be a calming process, especially when you’re mad and journaling allows each person to really think about what they want to say before responding in the heat of the moment and escalating the drama. This habit paves the way for effective problem-solving, personal growth, and reconciliation.

Alisha says she uses it to communicate more effectively with her partner when they are both upset.

Even Divorced or Separated Couples Can Use the Waffle Shared Journal

One of the more unusual journaling ideas is to use Waffle as a way to help you navigate co-parenting after a separation or divorce. The Waffle app offers a platform for co-parents to maintain a structured and positive communication channel for the sake of their children. Using Waffle, you can keep each other updated on important child-related matters without the need for direct interaction, which can sometimes be emotionally charged. 

Churches and Prayer Groups Can Use Waffle for Journaling

Waffle is a powerful platform for enhancing your spiritual life. Engaging with your faith collectively can strengthen bonds within your community and deepen your connection to God. Waffle is a shared space where group members can document their spiritual journeys, share reflections, and support each other’s faith.

Waffle’s Christian journal prompts are designed to deepen your faith by encouraging thoughtful contemplation and discussion. Another idea is to use Waffle journals to start a daily prayer habit - writing down your prayers helps you to keep track of which prayers have been answered and helps you to feel more joy in life as you count your many blessings.

Waffle offers discounted subscription rates for religious organizations so be sure to contact us so that financial limitations don’t hinder spiritual growth.

Waffle Journaling for Teams and Organizations

Modern offices look very different to how they did even just 10 years ago. No longer do you have to be in physical proximity to work effectively. Many top teams are spread out over multiple time zones. 

One downside to this is, of course, social isolation - we no longer can chat to our colleagues on a coffee break or just nip over to their office for a catch up. 

Waffle’s journal prompts for teams and organizations help to bridge this gap. By facilitating regular check-ins and shared experiences, it’s the ideal solution for hybrid or remote teams. Some ideas on how to use it can be to celebrate wins and milestones, discuss work challenges and even share snippets of your daily life so your teammates get to know you better. 

You don’t have to worry if you’re in IT or accounts and not a writer, it’s about the habit of connecting and sharing some fun parts of your life that your team would love to hear about.  

You can even claim a special offer discount by contacting Waffle here.

Using the Waffle Journal for Alternative Intimacy 

The Waffle Journal is a safe and accepting platform that does not discriminate. Our goal is to provide everyone with the means to have deeper emotional connection and better communication. 

All relationships are different and society is becoming more open and inclusive of alternative ways to structure your romantic relationships. Waffle aims to be fully inclusive and provide everyone with a tool for open, honest, and healthy communication - the central pillar to happy relationships (no matter how they are defined).

Polyamory and Ethical Non Monogamy

With journal prompts specifically engineered to help people navigate the complexities of polyamorous or ethically non-monogamous relationships, Waffle provides a shared space where all partners can express their feelings, discuss boundaries, and plan their relationship dynamics in a supportive environment. 

Mariah uses Waffle with her ENM partner and says it’s been like therapy for them and has really improved their communication.

You can even get a special discount here to get you started with complete transparency and open communication in your ENM relationship.

The BDSM Community

For those in the BDSM community, communication is the cornerstone of safety, trust, and mutual respect. Waffle offers a discreet avenue for discussing scenes, negotiations, and writing down aftercare needs. Journaling offers a place where partners can reflect on their experiences, offer feedback, and continuously refine their consent and limits. This can be particularly beneficial for long-term dom/sub dynamics, where growth and change are ongoing and understanding needs and boundaries are crucial.

If you’re curious about BDSM and want to explore this in your relationship, Waffle has specially designed journal prompts to guide your writing to express these desires to your partner. In the beginning writing these ideas down in a journal is significantly less intimidating than voicing them out loud, especially if you’re unsure how your partner will react. 

Members of the BDSM community can claim their special offer here.

Other Ways to Use the Waffle Journal

These are just some of the more common ways that people use the Waffle Journal, however, there is no limit when it comes to exploring your creative journaling ideas. Using our journal prompts to get writing is the main goal because once you get started the joy is addictive.

Here are some more ideas on ways to use the Waffle Journal.

Grief and Loss Journaling

We have extensive decks of prompts to help you process your grief in a healthy way. Writing down your thoughts, feelings, and memories while journaling is one way to deal with everything that comes up in a person when dealing with the loss of a loved one. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, but journaling in Waffle can be a therapeutic outlet, offering you a private space to write about and reflect on your loss, celebrate the life of your loved one, and gradually find your footing in a changed world.

Write Your Health Tracking in Your Journal

Staying on top of your health and fitness goals requires consistent effort and monitoring. The Waffle Journal allows you to track your daily meals, nutrition intake, and physical activities. Whether you're training for a marathon, trying to lose weight, or simply maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can write it all down in Waffle to keep a detailed log of your progress. You can set goals, monitor changes, and reflect on what strategies work best for your body and mind, turning your journal into a powerful ally in your health journey.

This Waffle user who is recovering from an eating disorder was able to go traveling without her family worrying because she used Waffle as a food diary so her family could help encourage her to stay on track with her eating goals even though she was away. 

Create a Travel Journal

For those bitten by the travel bug, Waffle is the perfect place to document your adventures, from breathtaking scenery and thoughtful cultural experiences to unexpected detours and the personal reflections and growth you experience when moving around. You can even share your adventures with friends and family in real time in one place (Waffle) if you so choose. 


You don’t need to be a writer bubbling over with endless creativity to enjoy the benefits of a journaling habit. Waffle is specifically designed to be extremely versatile and adaptable so everyone can benefit, no matter your situation or whether you’re completely new to journaling.

So, all that's left to ask is, have you downloaded the app yet?

Meta Description - Explore interesting and unconventional journal ideas with Waffle! Perfect for self-discovery, deepening connections in any relationship and much more...

Journaling is a timeless practice that’s been undertaken by countless thinkers and creative visionaries throughout history. 

In a world that moves fast, finding a moment for reflection can be a game-changer for your mental and emotional well-being. 

Daily journaling gives you the opportunity to pause, reflect, and gain insight into your inner emotional world. The best part? You don't need to be a seasoned writer or a literary enthusiast to reap its benefits. 

The journaling process is for everyone because it's simply about connecting with yourself and capturing thoughts, emotions, and experiences in your own words.

However, the traditional image of journaling - sitting quietly with a paper notebook and pen - doesn't fit everyone's lifestyle or preferences. And, this kind of journaling practice can feel outdated in our modern digital age.

This is where online journal apps step in. 

Imagine capturing your thoughts as they come to you, whether you're wedged between commuters on the train, unwinding in bed after a long day, or grabbing a coffee during a break. 

But what if your journal could be more than just a personal repository? What if it could be a shared space, a digital diary that connects you with others on a similar journey?

Have you ever thought about sharing a journal with a loved one? 

The concept of shared journaling is not new. Throughout history, communities have come together to record events, share insights, and preserve collective wisdom and memories through communal writing.

Why is the Concept of Shared Journaling Gaining Renewed Interest? 

In an era where digital connectivity is at its peak, an ironic trend has emerged - loneliness and social isolation are also reaching unprecedented levels

Despite the multitude of ways we can connect online, these interactions often lack the depth and authenticity needed to build genuine relationships. This disconnection impacts our physical and mental health and has led to what can only be described as a modern loneliness epidemic.

The health risks of social isolation are equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day and the World Health Organization has declared loneliness as a global health concern.

So what can we do? How do we create opportunities for people to connect deeply on a regular basis?

The answer lies in reviving and adapting ancient communal writing practices for our digital era. 

A shared online journaling habit is one such way.

Why Use the Waffle Shared Journal?

The lack of opportunities to feel truly understood by others today is a major cause of loneliness in the modern world. The Waffle Shared Journal aims to be the bridge between social isolation and meaningful connection.

Waffle is an online journal app that gives users the safe space needed to build real, meaningful relationships in a way that modern social media platforms fail to do.

It's a place for genuine exchange, understanding, and support - elements that are often missing in our fast-paced, impersonal online interactions. 

By turning the act of journaling into a shared experience, Waffle provides an opportunity for people to connect on a more meaningful level, helping to combat the isolation that so many feel today.

How Does Waffle Work?

Waffle simplifies the shared journaling experience with an intuitive and user friendly interface. Once you’ve downloaded the app onto your device, setting up your account only takes a few minutes.

You’ll be guided through a user survey where you’ll tailor the app to your needs. Taking the time to do this will ensure that the daily journal prompts are suited to your personal or shared goals.

You’ll choose your journal cover, upload your profile picture and then name your journal. If you’re sharing it with someone, you’ll get a personal code that they can use to find the journal you’ve created once they download the app on their device. Then you’ll set your intention for your journal habit and you’re ready to write your first entry.

If you’re worried about feeling stuck and staring at a blank page, Waffle has you covered - you’ll be shown one journal prompt a day to give you new ideas and inspiration to open up and share things you’ve been holding onto but secretly want your loved ones to understand.

You can use the daily writing prompts given to you or you can just simply write - whatever works best for you. And just because you’re only given one auto-generated idea each day, does not mean you only have to focus on that one thing - journaling ideas are endless and you can write about anything and make multiple entries per day if you choose to.

It’s really that easy to get started with daily journaling on Waffle!

Waffle is completely free to use, but if you upgrade to the PLUS version, you’ll get a bunch of extra premium features including,

  • Leaving comments in response to journal entries

  • Being able to see who has read your journal entry

  • Attaching photos

  • Attaching a video

  • Being able to search through entries

  • PDF Export to print out your journal (we will be launching Waffle Books soon)

  • 80+ premium journal covers

  • Personalized journal prompts tailored to your needs based on your survey answers

We believe so strongly in our mission to provide people with a safe space for meaningful connection, that Waffle PLUS is purposely affordable. Everyone can enjoy the basic journaling experience for free and our premium features are cost effective. You get:

  • 1 Plus journal plan: $74.99/year

  • 2 Plus journals plan: $129.99/year

  • Unlimited Plus journals plan: $199.99/year

Who is Waffle For?


Waffle is a fully inclusive, open-minded space and is designed to accommodate any and every type of personal relationship you can imagine.

Whether you’re looking for a greater sense of self awareness or a deeper understanding of a loved one, Waffle is full of journaling ideas to help. You can explore negative thoughts and past experiences, identify patterns in your life and relationships, and generally improve your overall well being. 

Waffle’s versatility makes it suitable for individuals, couples, families, and groups who are looking for an engaging way to strengthen their bonds and deepen understanding.

Waffle’s Privacy Promise

At Waffle, we know that the nature of journaling is incredibly personal. The things you write down are sometimes the deepest, innermost thoughts, feelings, and desires and we are committed to keeping those safe and secure.

All your data is stored safely in our secure server operated by Google. Unless you request your data to be exported or restored, or if there’s a glitch that requires our developers to investigate (only with your permission), no one else has access to your data except you and whoever is sharing your journal. 

We don't ever sell user data to anybody else either. You can read our full privacy policy here.

Using Waffle for Self Discovery

The self-reflection process is a journey characterized by looking inward, growing and getting to know yourself better. It’s your path to personal growth and development. 

Here’s how you can use the Waffle Journal to kickstart the journey to find your authentic self.

Start a Gratitude Journal

Right now, gratitude journaling is all the rage - and for good reason! 

A gratitude journal is about focusing on the positives and acknowledging the good things in your life. Traditionally, you would simply write down three things you’re grateful for each day, but because Waffle is in your pocket, you can record the most important things in your day as they happen - and doing it this way will result in a far more expansive list of incredible memories to reflect on.

Seeing your blessings pile up this way is incredibly uplifting and it can genuinely shift your perspective on the rough days when you can reflect back on all the joy in your life. One thing you can do to solidify the gratitude habit is to set aside time each week and look back through your diary entries and really focus on every example of good that happened in your life that week - your cup will overfloweth with appreciation and thankfulness. 

There is a wealth of research and anecdotal evidence to support the idea that being intentional about gratitude is an important thing to do for overall health and mental well being.

Writing a Dream Journal

What keeps you up at night? - this might be a reason for bad dreams or weird dreams - a good prompt to uncover anxiety which might fuel the funny dreams.

Ever wake up from a dream that felt significant, but the details started to fade the moment you stepped out of bed? Then all day you carry that strange sense that something happened but you can’t quite put your finger on it. 

Keeping a pen and piece of paper next to your bed is often suggested so that you can write down your dreams in the middle of the night to reflect on in the morning. However, anyone who has tried this will tell you that faffing around with paper in the middle of the night is less than ideal and will create more problems than it solves.

Instead, why not use the Waffle Journal to keep a dream diary. Write down your dreams first thing in the morning or when you wake up from them in the night and start to explore what your subconscious might be telling you. You might be surprised by what you uncover about your desires, emotions, and fears.

Writing Down Goals for Progress Tracking

Whether it’s personal goals, new skills, or even small daily wins, tracking your progress and personal growth by writing it all in a journal is incredibly motivating. 

With Waffle, you can:

  • Track Personal Growth: Note improvements, setbacks, and insights. By writing everything down, you’ll soon see just how far you’ve come.

  • Letters to Your Future Self: Occasionally, leave a note for your future self. It’s powerful to look back and see how your past self has grown and evolved and how situations your younger self thought were insurmountable have been resolved. These kinds of memories give you hope for a brighter future, especially if you’re in the middle of some hard personal struggles.

  • Goals Tracking: Set goals, big or small, and update your progress. Waffle can help keep you accountable and inspired with deeply motivational journaling prompts.

Using Waffle for Your Mental Health 

Journaling isn’t just a way to record your daily activities or thoughts - it's a powerful tool for mental health. Regularly putting your thoughts down on paper (or in this case, a digital page) can help manage anxiety, reduce stress, and cope with depression. Waffle takes this a step further by offering a structured way to use journaling as a form of casual self-therapy. For example, it can be a private place to express emotions you’re trying to process, or a space to explore solutions to problems you’re facing.

Keeping journals documenting your mental health journey is a great way to look back and appreciate how far your personal growth has come - it can be a great source of inspiration for further development.

Savanna uses Waffle to document her mental health progress and says that the app helps to keep her accountable.

Therapists and Counselors Use Journal Writing Between Sessions

Waffle is an important tool that therapists can use to enhance the therapy process and strengthen the therapeutic relationship. 

Therapists can use Waffle to keep communication open between sessions. This makes therapy sessions more efficient and focused, as clients can record events, thoughts, and feelings as they occur, rather than trying to recall them days or weeks later in session.

Using Waffle, therapists can prompt clients to journal about specific topics before a session, which can lead to deeper insights and breakthroughs. And clients feel continuously supported throughout their therapeutic journey.

Chris uses Waffle with his therapist and says it’s been amazing for his growth and transformation.

If you are a licensed therapist or counselor, reach out to Waffle here for a special discount.

Using Waffle With a Family Member or Friend

Social media just doesn’t cut it for keeping in contact with loved ones. Journaling with Waffle is a creative way to connect with family and friends no matter where life has taken each of you. Whether it’s your mom, dad, siblings, or a childhood bestie, Waffle helps you share the day-to-day and the monumental with those who matter most.

One of the most popular ways to use Waffle is to strengthen the mother-daughter bond. Cecilia says that using Waffle has helped her and her mom feel less isolated while helping them to connect on a deeper level. Our journal is such a useful tool to help you navigate the ups and downs of the constantly changing dynamics of the mother/daughter relationship.

It can help you to be a good mother to your daughter when she’s struggling through difficult life transitions, like the teenage years (as Heidi has discovered) - journaling helps you to be there for your daughter every day without being intrusive. And when you make journaling a regular habit, you will have an awesome keepsake to look back on - one that has documented your whole mother-daughter journey.

You don’t have to be a great writer to make the most of Waffle. It’s about sharing the imperfect, the messy, and the real moments of life that make your relationships full of joy. 

The only limit is your creativity. For example, you could start a conversation about your favorite book or talk about what happened in your day, or even share childhood memories. 

Mia says that Waffle has been a great tool to help her stay in touch with her friends now that they’re all busy.

Journaling for Military Families

For military families, staying connected isn't just important - it's essential. The nature of military life means frequent moves, long deployments, and times when staying in touch can be challenging. That's where Waffle is a game-changer, helping to bridge the emotional distance that physical separation can create.

Using Waffle can also help ease the stress of reintegration when a family member returns from deployment. By sharing journal entries, returning service members and their families can express emotions that might be hard to hear face-to-face.

Waffle is dedicated to supporting military families, so reach out to us here for a special subscription discount.

Using Waffle With Your Significant Other

One of the most popular ways to use the Waffle Journal is by journaling with your partner. With specific journal prompts for couples to write about, the hope is to help people build strong emotional understanding in every aspect of their relationship.

Write Ideas Down For Better Communication

Communication is the backbone of any strong relationship. Waffle offers a space where you can write down thoughts and emotions that might be hard to say out loud. It's a safe place to share daily experiences or tackle more sensitive subjects, ensuring that both partners feel heard and understood.

Journaling For Greater Emotional Intimacy 

Sharing a journal encourages openness and vulnerability, allowing you and your partner to reveal your innermost thoughts and feelings. Waffle’s writing prompts will help you build a deeper emotional connection as you gain insights into each other’s desires, fears, and dreams, which might not surface in everyday conversation. 

If you want to know more about emotional intimacy, check out our blog post here. We hope it helps you become closer to your significant other.

The Waffle Journal can also be used to document your relationship memories so you can look back on them together with love and joy. Date night going down memory lane together remembering all the fun, the laughs, the silly things, and even the fights is a great way to build closeness and intimacy with the special person in your life. 

Riley uses Waffle to relive his memories with his girlfriend and says it helps them to remember how happy they are together. 

Writing in a Journal for Greater Sexual Intimacy and Orgasmic Joy

Waffle can also be a great tool to explore your sexual relationship. Couples can use it to write down new ideas for being more adventurous in the bedroom, to reveal desires and fantasies, discuss boundaries, or share intimate thoughts that they may feel shy about bringing up directly. This open line of communication can lead to greater fulfillment, joy, and understanding in your physical relationship.

Journaling Ideas for Long Distance Relationships

Distance can be a significant challenge for couples. Waffle helps bridge that gap by keeping you and your partner connected through daily entries and updates. You can write about simple things that happen in your life day to day or tap into some creativity for more meaningful writing, the idea is to make it a habit so you connect regularly while apart. Beth uses Waffle with her long distance partner to stay more connected and actively be part of each other’s day.

If you’d like some long distance date ideas to keep things fresh and exciting, check out our blog post here.

One of the Better Ideas for Conflict Resolution

Conflict is inevitable in life and relationships, but resolving it in a healthy way is the key to staying happy for longer. Online journals like Waffle provide a platform to articulate grievances that might be difficult to hear in a constructive manner. Writing can be a calming process, especially when you’re mad and journaling allows each person to really think about what they want to say before responding in the heat of the moment and escalating the drama. This habit paves the way for effective problem-solving, personal growth, and reconciliation.

Alisha says she uses it to communicate more effectively with her partner when they are both upset.

Even Divorced or Separated Couples Can Use the Waffle Shared Journal

One of the more unusual journaling ideas is to use Waffle as a way to help you navigate co-parenting after a separation or divorce. The Waffle app offers a platform for co-parents to maintain a structured and positive communication channel for the sake of their children. Using Waffle, you can keep each other updated on important child-related matters without the need for direct interaction, which can sometimes be emotionally charged. 

Churches and Prayer Groups Can Use Waffle for Journaling

Waffle is a powerful platform for enhancing your spiritual life. Engaging with your faith collectively can strengthen bonds within your community and deepen your connection to God. Waffle is a shared space where group members can document their spiritual journeys, share reflections, and support each other’s faith.

Waffle’s Christian journal prompts are designed to deepen your faith by encouraging thoughtful contemplation and discussion. Another idea is to use Waffle journals to start a daily prayer habit - writing down your prayers helps you to keep track of which prayers have been answered and helps you to feel more joy in life as you count your many blessings.

Waffle offers discounted subscription rates for religious organizations so be sure to contact us so that financial limitations don’t hinder spiritual growth.

Waffle Journaling for Teams and Organizations

Modern offices look very different to how they did even just 10 years ago. No longer do you have to be in physical proximity to work effectively. Many top teams are spread out over multiple time zones. 

One downside to this is, of course, social isolation - we no longer can chat to our colleagues on a coffee break or just nip over to their office for a catch up. 

Waffle’s journal prompts for teams and organizations help to bridge this gap. By facilitating regular check-ins and shared experiences, it’s the ideal solution for hybrid or remote teams. Some ideas on how to use it can be to celebrate wins and milestones, discuss work challenges and even share snippets of your daily life so your teammates get to know you better. 

You don’t have to worry if you’re in IT or accounts and not a writer, it’s about the habit of connecting and sharing some fun parts of your life that your team would love to hear about.  

You can even claim a special offer discount by contacting Waffle here.

Using the Waffle Journal for Alternative Intimacy 

The Waffle Journal is a safe and accepting platform that does not discriminate. Our goal is to provide everyone with the means to have deeper emotional connection and better communication. 

All relationships are different and society is becoming more open and inclusive of alternative ways to structure your romantic relationships. Waffle aims to be fully inclusive and provide everyone with a tool for open, honest, and healthy communication - the central pillar to happy relationships (no matter how they are defined).

Polyamory and Ethical Non Monogamy

With journal prompts specifically engineered to help people navigate the complexities of polyamorous or ethically non-monogamous relationships, Waffle provides a shared space where all partners can express their feelings, discuss boundaries, and plan their relationship dynamics in a supportive environment. 

Mariah uses Waffle with her ENM partner and says it’s been like therapy for them and has really improved their communication.

You can even get a special discount here to get you started with complete transparency and open communication in your ENM relationship.

The BDSM Community

For those in the BDSM community, communication is the cornerstone of safety, trust, and mutual respect. Waffle offers a discreet avenue for discussing scenes, negotiations, and writing down aftercare needs. Journaling offers a place where partners can reflect on their experiences, offer feedback, and continuously refine their consent and limits. This can be particularly beneficial for long-term dom/sub dynamics, where growth and change are ongoing and understanding needs and boundaries are crucial.

If you’re curious about BDSM and want to explore this in your relationship, Waffle has specially designed journal prompts to guide your writing to express these desires to your partner. In the beginning writing these ideas down in a journal is significantly less intimidating than voicing them out loud, especially if you’re unsure how your partner will react. 

Members of the BDSM community can claim their special offer here.

Other Ways to Use the Waffle Journal

These are just some of the more common ways that people use the Waffle Journal, however, there is no limit when it comes to exploring your creative journaling ideas. Using our journal prompts to get writing is the main goal because once you get started the joy is addictive.

Here are some more ideas on ways to use the Waffle Journal.

Grief and Loss Journaling

We have extensive decks of prompts to help you process your grief in a healthy way. Writing down your thoughts, feelings, and memories while journaling is one way to deal with everything that comes up in a person when dealing with the loss of a loved one. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, but journaling in Waffle can be a therapeutic outlet, offering you a private space to write about and reflect on your loss, celebrate the life of your loved one, and gradually find your footing in a changed world.

Write Your Health Tracking in Your Journal

Staying on top of your health and fitness goals requires consistent effort and monitoring. The Waffle Journal allows you to track your daily meals, nutrition intake, and physical activities. Whether you're training for a marathon, trying to lose weight, or simply maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can write it all down in Waffle to keep a detailed log of your progress. You can set goals, monitor changes, and reflect on what strategies work best for your body and mind, turning your journal into a powerful ally in your health journey.

This Waffle user who is recovering from an eating disorder was able to go traveling without her family worrying because she used Waffle as a food diary so her family could help encourage her to stay on track with her eating goals even though she was away. 

Create a Travel Journal

For those bitten by the travel bug, Waffle is the perfect place to document your adventures, from breathtaking scenery and thoughtful cultural experiences to unexpected detours and the personal reflections and growth you experience when moving around. You can even share your adventures with friends and family in real time in one place (Waffle) if you so choose. 


You don’t need to be a writer bubbling over with endless creativity to enjoy the benefits of a journaling habit. Waffle is specifically designed to be extremely versatile and adaptable so everyone can benefit, no matter your situation or whether you’re completely new to journaling.

So, all that's left to ask is, have you downloaded the app yet?

Meta Description - Explore interesting and unconventional journal ideas with Waffle! Perfect for self-discovery, deepening connections in any relationship and much more...

Journaling is a timeless practice that’s been undertaken by countless thinkers and creative visionaries throughout history. 

In a world that moves fast, finding a moment for reflection can be a game-changer for your mental and emotional well-being. 

Daily journaling gives you the opportunity to pause, reflect, and gain insight into your inner emotional world. The best part? You don't need to be a seasoned writer or a literary enthusiast to reap its benefits. 

The journaling process is for everyone because it's simply about connecting with yourself and capturing thoughts, emotions, and experiences in your own words.

However, the traditional image of journaling - sitting quietly with a paper notebook and pen - doesn't fit everyone's lifestyle or preferences. And, this kind of journaling practice can feel outdated in our modern digital age.

This is where online journal apps step in. 

Imagine capturing your thoughts as they come to you, whether you're wedged between commuters on the train, unwinding in bed after a long day, or grabbing a coffee during a break. 

But what if your journal could be more than just a personal repository? What if it could be a shared space, a digital diary that connects you with others on a similar journey?

Have you ever thought about sharing a journal with a loved one? 

The concept of shared journaling is not new. Throughout history, communities have come together to record events, share insights, and preserve collective wisdom and memories through communal writing.

Why is the Concept of Shared Journaling Gaining Renewed Interest? 

In an era where digital connectivity is at its peak, an ironic trend has emerged - loneliness and social isolation are also reaching unprecedented levels

Despite the multitude of ways we can connect online, these interactions often lack the depth and authenticity needed to build genuine relationships. This disconnection impacts our physical and mental health and has led to what can only be described as a modern loneliness epidemic.

The health risks of social isolation are equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day and the World Health Organization has declared loneliness as a global health concern.

So what can we do? How do we create opportunities for people to connect deeply on a regular basis?

The answer lies in reviving and adapting ancient communal writing practices for our digital era. 

A shared online journaling habit is one such way.

Why Use the Waffle Shared Journal?

The lack of opportunities to feel truly understood by others today is a major cause of loneliness in the modern world. The Waffle Shared Journal aims to be the bridge between social isolation and meaningful connection.

Waffle is an online journal app that gives users the safe space needed to build real, meaningful relationships in a way that modern social media platforms fail to do.

It's a place for genuine exchange, understanding, and support - elements that are often missing in our fast-paced, impersonal online interactions. 

By turning the act of journaling into a shared experience, Waffle provides an opportunity for people to connect on a more meaningful level, helping to combat the isolation that so many feel today.

How Does Waffle Work?

Waffle simplifies the shared journaling experience with an intuitive and user friendly interface. Once you’ve downloaded the app onto your device, setting up your account only takes a few minutes.

You’ll be guided through a user survey where you’ll tailor the app to your needs. Taking the time to do this will ensure that the daily journal prompts are suited to your personal or shared goals.

You’ll choose your journal cover, upload your profile picture and then name your journal. If you’re sharing it with someone, you’ll get a personal code that they can use to find the journal you’ve created once they download the app on their device. Then you’ll set your intention for your journal habit and you’re ready to write your first entry.

If you’re worried about feeling stuck and staring at a blank page, Waffle has you covered - you’ll be shown one journal prompt a day to give you new ideas and inspiration to open up and share things you’ve been holding onto but secretly want your loved ones to understand.

You can use the daily writing prompts given to you or you can just simply write - whatever works best for you. And just because you’re only given one auto-generated idea each day, does not mean you only have to focus on that one thing - journaling ideas are endless and you can write about anything and make multiple entries per day if you choose to.

It’s really that easy to get started with daily journaling on Waffle!

Waffle is completely free to use, but if you upgrade to the PLUS version, you’ll get a bunch of extra premium features including,

  • Leaving comments in response to journal entries

  • Being able to see who has read your journal entry

  • Attaching photos

  • Attaching a video

  • Being able to search through entries

  • PDF Export to print out your journal (we will be launching Waffle Books soon)

  • 80+ premium journal covers

  • Personalized journal prompts tailored to your needs based on your survey answers

We believe so strongly in our mission to provide people with a safe space for meaningful connection, that Waffle PLUS is purposely affordable. Everyone can enjoy the basic journaling experience for free and our premium features are cost effective. You get:

  • 1 Plus journal plan: $74.99/year

  • 2 Plus journals plan: $129.99/year

  • Unlimited Plus journals plan: $199.99/year

Who is Waffle For?


Waffle is a fully inclusive, open-minded space and is designed to accommodate any and every type of personal relationship you can imagine.

Whether you’re looking for a greater sense of self awareness or a deeper understanding of a loved one, Waffle is full of journaling ideas to help. You can explore negative thoughts and past experiences, identify patterns in your life and relationships, and generally improve your overall well being. 

Waffle’s versatility makes it suitable for individuals, couples, families, and groups who are looking for an engaging way to strengthen their bonds and deepen understanding.

Waffle’s Privacy Promise

At Waffle, we know that the nature of journaling is incredibly personal. The things you write down are sometimes the deepest, innermost thoughts, feelings, and desires and we are committed to keeping those safe and secure.

All your data is stored safely in our secure server operated by Google. Unless you request your data to be exported or restored, or if there’s a glitch that requires our developers to investigate (only with your permission), no one else has access to your data except you and whoever is sharing your journal. 

We don't ever sell user data to anybody else either. You can read our full privacy policy here.

Using Waffle for Self Discovery

The self-reflection process is a journey characterized by looking inward, growing and getting to know yourself better. It’s your path to personal growth and development. 

Here’s how you can use the Waffle Journal to kickstart the journey to find your authentic self.

Start a Gratitude Journal

Right now, gratitude journaling is all the rage - and for good reason! 

A gratitude journal is about focusing on the positives and acknowledging the good things in your life. Traditionally, you would simply write down three things you’re grateful for each day, but because Waffle is in your pocket, you can record the most important things in your day as they happen - and doing it this way will result in a far more expansive list of incredible memories to reflect on.

Seeing your blessings pile up this way is incredibly uplifting and it can genuinely shift your perspective on the rough days when you can reflect back on all the joy in your life. One thing you can do to solidify the gratitude habit is to set aside time each week and look back through your diary entries and really focus on every example of good that happened in your life that week - your cup will overfloweth with appreciation and thankfulness. 

There is a wealth of research and anecdotal evidence to support the idea that being intentional about gratitude is an important thing to do for overall health and mental well being.

Writing a Dream Journal

What keeps you up at night? - this might be a reason for bad dreams or weird dreams - a good prompt to uncover anxiety which might fuel the funny dreams.

Ever wake up from a dream that felt significant, but the details started to fade the moment you stepped out of bed? Then all day you carry that strange sense that something happened but you can’t quite put your finger on it. 

Keeping a pen and piece of paper next to your bed is often suggested so that you can write down your dreams in the middle of the night to reflect on in the morning. However, anyone who has tried this will tell you that faffing around with paper in the middle of the night is less than ideal and will create more problems than it solves.

Instead, why not use the Waffle Journal to keep a dream diary. Write down your dreams first thing in the morning or when you wake up from them in the night and start to explore what your subconscious might be telling you. You might be surprised by what you uncover about your desires, emotions, and fears.

Writing Down Goals for Progress Tracking

Whether it’s personal goals, new skills, or even small daily wins, tracking your progress and personal growth by writing it all in a journal is incredibly motivating. 

With Waffle, you can:

  • Track Personal Growth: Note improvements, setbacks, and insights. By writing everything down, you’ll soon see just how far you’ve come.

  • Letters to Your Future Self: Occasionally, leave a note for your future self. It’s powerful to look back and see how your past self has grown and evolved and how situations your younger self thought were insurmountable have been resolved. These kinds of memories give you hope for a brighter future, especially if you’re in the middle of some hard personal struggles.

  • Goals Tracking: Set goals, big or small, and update your progress. Waffle can help keep you accountable and inspired with deeply motivational journaling prompts.

Using Waffle for Your Mental Health 

Journaling isn’t just a way to record your daily activities or thoughts - it's a powerful tool for mental health. Regularly putting your thoughts down on paper (or in this case, a digital page) can help manage anxiety, reduce stress, and cope with depression. Waffle takes this a step further by offering a structured way to use journaling as a form of casual self-therapy. For example, it can be a private place to express emotions you’re trying to process, or a space to explore solutions to problems you’re facing.

Keeping journals documenting your mental health journey is a great way to look back and appreciate how far your personal growth has come - it can be a great source of inspiration for further development.

Savanna uses Waffle to document her mental health progress and says that the app helps to keep her accountable.

Therapists and Counselors Use Journal Writing Between Sessions

Waffle is an important tool that therapists can use to enhance the therapy process and strengthen the therapeutic relationship. 

Therapists can use Waffle to keep communication open between sessions. This makes therapy sessions more efficient and focused, as clients can record events, thoughts, and feelings as they occur, rather than trying to recall them days or weeks later in session.

Using Waffle, therapists can prompt clients to journal about specific topics before a session, which can lead to deeper insights and breakthroughs. And clients feel continuously supported throughout their therapeutic journey.

Chris uses Waffle with his therapist and says it’s been amazing for his growth and transformation.

If you are a licensed therapist or counselor, reach out to Waffle here for a special discount.

Using Waffle With a Family Member or Friend

Social media just doesn’t cut it for keeping in contact with loved ones. Journaling with Waffle is a creative way to connect with family and friends no matter where life has taken each of you. Whether it’s your mom, dad, siblings, or a childhood bestie, Waffle helps you share the day-to-day and the monumental with those who matter most.

One of the most popular ways to use Waffle is to strengthen the mother-daughter bond. Cecilia says that using Waffle has helped her and her mom feel less isolated while helping them to connect on a deeper level. Our journal is such a useful tool to help you navigate the ups and downs of the constantly changing dynamics of the mother/daughter relationship.

It can help you to be a good mother to your daughter when she’s struggling through difficult life transitions, like the teenage years (as Heidi has discovered) - journaling helps you to be there for your daughter every day without being intrusive. And when you make journaling a regular habit, you will have an awesome keepsake to look back on - one that has documented your whole mother-daughter journey.

You don’t have to be a great writer to make the most of Waffle. It’s about sharing the imperfect, the messy, and the real moments of life that make your relationships full of joy. 

The only limit is your creativity. For example, you could start a conversation about your favorite book or talk about what happened in your day, or even share childhood memories. 

Mia says that Waffle has been a great tool to help her stay in touch with her friends now that they’re all busy.

Journaling for Military Families

For military families, staying connected isn't just important - it's essential. The nature of military life means frequent moves, long deployments, and times when staying in touch can be challenging. That's where Waffle is a game-changer, helping to bridge the emotional distance that physical separation can create.

Using Waffle can also help ease the stress of reintegration when a family member returns from deployment. By sharing journal entries, returning service members and their families can express emotions that might be hard to hear face-to-face.

Waffle is dedicated to supporting military families, so reach out to us here for a special subscription discount.

Using Waffle With Your Significant Other

One of the most popular ways to use the Waffle Journal is by journaling with your partner. With specific journal prompts for couples to write about, the hope is to help people build strong emotional understanding in every aspect of their relationship.

Write Ideas Down For Better Communication

Communication is the backbone of any strong relationship. Waffle offers a space where you can write down thoughts and emotions that might be hard to say out loud. It's a safe place to share daily experiences or tackle more sensitive subjects, ensuring that both partners feel heard and understood.

Journaling For Greater Emotional Intimacy 

Sharing a journal encourages openness and vulnerability, allowing you and your partner to reveal your innermost thoughts and feelings. Waffle’s writing prompts will help you build a deeper emotional connection as you gain insights into each other’s desires, fears, and dreams, which might not surface in everyday conversation. 

If you want to know more about emotional intimacy, check out our blog post here. We hope it helps you become closer to your significant other.

The Waffle Journal can also be used to document your relationship memories so you can look back on them together with love and joy. Date night going down memory lane together remembering all the fun, the laughs, the silly things, and even the fights is a great way to build closeness and intimacy with the special person in your life. 

Riley uses Waffle to relive his memories with his girlfriend and says it helps them to remember how happy they are together. 

Writing in a Journal for Greater Sexual Intimacy and Orgasmic Joy

Waffle can also be a great tool to explore your sexual relationship. Couples can use it to write down new ideas for being more adventurous in the bedroom, to reveal desires and fantasies, discuss boundaries, or share intimate thoughts that they may feel shy about bringing up directly. This open line of communication can lead to greater fulfillment, joy, and understanding in your physical relationship.

Journaling Ideas for Long Distance Relationships

Distance can be a significant challenge for couples. Waffle helps bridge that gap by keeping you and your partner connected through daily entries and updates. You can write about simple things that happen in your life day to day or tap into some creativity for more meaningful writing, the idea is to make it a habit so you connect regularly while apart. Beth uses Waffle with her long distance partner to stay more connected and actively be part of each other’s day.

If you’d like some long distance date ideas to keep things fresh and exciting, check out our blog post here.

One of the Better Ideas for Conflict Resolution

Conflict is inevitable in life and relationships, but resolving it in a healthy way is the key to staying happy for longer. Online journals like Waffle provide a platform to articulate grievances that might be difficult to hear in a constructive manner. Writing can be a calming process, especially when you’re mad and journaling allows each person to really think about what they want to say before responding in the heat of the moment and escalating the drama. This habit paves the way for effective problem-solving, personal growth, and reconciliation.

Alisha says she uses it to communicate more effectively with her partner when they are both upset.

Even Divorced or Separated Couples Can Use the Waffle Shared Journal

One of the more unusual journaling ideas is to use Waffle as a way to help you navigate co-parenting after a separation or divorce. The Waffle app offers a platform for co-parents to maintain a structured and positive communication channel for the sake of their children. Using Waffle, you can keep each other updated on important child-related matters without the need for direct interaction, which can sometimes be emotionally charged. 

Churches and Prayer Groups Can Use Waffle for Journaling

Waffle is a powerful platform for enhancing your spiritual life. Engaging with your faith collectively can strengthen bonds within your community and deepen your connection to God. Waffle is a shared space where group members can document their spiritual journeys, share reflections, and support each other’s faith.

Waffle’s Christian journal prompts are designed to deepen your faith by encouraging thoughtful contemplation and discussion. Another idea is to use Waffle journals to start a daily prayer habit - writing down your prayers helps you to keep track of which prayers have been answered and helps you to feel more joy in life as you count your many blessings.

Waffle offers discounted subscription rates for religious organizations so be sure to contact us so that financial limitations don’t hinder spiritual growth.

Waffle Journaling for Teams and Organizations

Modern offices look very different to how they did even just 10 years ago. No longer do you have to be in physical proximity to work effectively. Many top teams are spread out over multiple time zones. 

One downside to this is, of course, social isolation - we no longer can chat to our colleagues on a coffee break or just nip over to their office for a catch up. 

Waffle’s journal prompts for teams and organizations help to bridge this gap. By facilitating regular check-ins and shared experiences, it’s the ideal solution for hybrid or remote teams. Some ideas on how to use it can be to celebrate wins and milestones, discuss work challenges and even share snippets of your daily life so your teammates get to know you better. 

You don’t have to worry if you’re in IT or accounts and not a writer, it’s about the habit of connecting and sharing some fun parts of your life that your team would love to hear about.  

You can even claim a special offer discount by contacting Waffle here.

Using the Waffle Journal for Alternative Intimacy 

The Waffle Journal is a safe and accepting platform that does not discriminate. Our goal is to provide everyone with the means to have deeper emotional connection and better communication. 

All relationships are different and society is becoming more open and inclusive of alternative ways to structure your romantic relationships. Waffle aims to be fully inclusive and provide everyone with a tool for open, honest, and healthy communication - the central pillar to happy relationships (no matter how they are defined).

Polyamory and Ethical Non Monogamy

With journal prompts specifically engineered to help people navigate the complexities of polyamorous or ethically non-monogamous relationships, Waffle provides a shared space where all partners can express their feelings, discuss boundaries, and plan their relationship dynamics in a supportive environment. 

Mariah uses Waffle with her ENM partner and says it’s been like therapy for them and has really improved their communication.

You can even get a special discount here to get you started with complete transparency and open communication in your ENM relationship.

The BDSM Community

For those in the BDSM community, communication is the cornerstone of safety, trust, and mutual respect. Waffle offers a discreet avenue for discussing scenes, negotiations, and writing down aftercare needs. Journaling offers a place where partners can reflect on their experiences, offer feedback, and continuously refine their consent and limits. This can be particularly beneficial for long-term dom/sub dynamics, where growth and change are ongoing and understanding needs and boundaries are crucial.

If you’re curious about BDSM and want to explore this in your relationship, Waffle has specially designed journal prompts to guide your writing to express these desires to your partner. In the beginning writing these ideas down in a journal is significantly less intimidating than voicing them out loud, especially if you’re unsure how your partner will react. 

Members of the BDSM community can claim their special offer here.

Other Ways to Use the Waffle Journal

These are just some of the more common ways that people use the Waffle Journal, however, there is no limit when it comes to exploring your creative journaling ideas. Using our journal prompts to get writing is the main goal because once you get started the joy is addictive.

Here are some more ideas on ways to use the Waffle Journal.

Grief and Loss Journaling

We have extensive decks of prompts to help you process your grief in a healthy way. Writing down your thoughts, feelings, and memories while journaling is one way to deal with everything that comes up in a person when dealing with the loss of a loved one. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, but journaling in Waffle can be a therapeutic outlet, offering you a private space to write about and reflect on your loss, celebrate the life of your loved one, and gradually find your footing in a changed world.

Write Your Health Tracking in Your Journal

Staying on top of your health and fitness goals requires consistent effort and monitoring. The Waffle Journal allows you to track your daily meals, nutrition intake, and physical activities. Whether you're training for a marathon, trying to lose weight, or simply maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can write it all down in Waffle to keep a detailed log of your progress. You can set goals, monitor changes, and reflect on what strategies work best for your body and mind, turning your journal into a powerful ally in your health journey.

This Waffle user who is recovering from an eating disorder was able to go traveling without her family worrying because she used Waffle as a food diary so her family could help encourage her to stay on track with her eating goals even though she was away. 

Create a Travel Journal

For those bitten by the travel bug, Waffle is the perfect place to document your adventures, from breathtaking scenery and thoughtful cultural experiences to unexpected detours and the personal reflections and growth you experience when moving around. You can even share your adventures with friends and family in real time in one place (Waffle) if you so choose. 


You don’t need to be a writer bubbling over with endless creativity to enjoy the benefits of a journaling habit. Waffle is specifically designed to be extremely versatile and adaptable so everyone can benefit, no matter your situation or whether you’re completely new to journaling.

So, all that's left to ask is, have you downloaded the app yet?

Meta Description - Explore interesting and unconventional journal ideas with Waffle! Perfect for self-discovery, deepening connections in any relationship and much more...

Waffle: #1 Shared Journal App

Connect, bond, and share emotional support

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Waffle: #1 Shared Journal App

Bond and share emotional support

4.8 • 4K Ratings

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Waffle: #1 Shared Journal App

Connect, bond, and share emotional support

4.8 • 4K Ratings

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Waffle: #1 Shared Journal App

Bond and share emotional support

4.8 • 4K Ratings

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